Best 50 + Business Ideas For Young Adults In 2023

Are you searching for business ideas for young adults? If yes, then this blog will be beneficial for you.

Anyone can be successful in business, and you never know who will come up with the next big idea. If your teen is hardworking and wants to be their own boss or make extra money on their own time, starting their own business could be the answer. Let’s look at some great business ideas for teens who want to start their own companies.

Business Ideas For Young Adults

1. Academic tutor

The academic tutor is the first business ideas for young adults Becoming a tutor is an easy way for teens to start their own businesses. Everyone is good at something different, so if you’re good at math, science, writing, or reading, you can help someone else who is having trouble with that subject. A tutor can also help you prepare for standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, AP tests, or others.

2. Clean the car

Everyone wants their car to look clean and brand new, but only some have time to wash it. You only need a bucket, a soft sponge, a window cleaner, and elbow grease to start a car washing business. This can be a great job for teens to do on the weekends.

3. Care for kids

A babysitting or childcare business is a tried-and-true business idea for teens. You can help neighbors or family friends on the weekends or after school during the week by caring for their young children. If you want to stand out, many towns and cities offer classes on how to care for children and babysit.

4. Pet sitting or dog walker

Pet sitting or dog walking is the best way for kids who love animals to spend time with animals and start a business. Both jobs have flexible hours, and your clients will give you everything you need, such as leashes, treats, and more.

5. Lawn care company

If mowing the lawn is one of your teen’s chores, they already know how to do this business. By advertising their services around the neighborhood, they might get a long list of clients. The summer is a great time for a lawn care business because your teen will have a lot of free time.

6. Cleaning the house

If a kid has been helping with chores around the house, they probably already know everything they need to know to start a housecleaning business. Most people in the area would be glad to pay teenagers to help them dust, mop, and vacuum their homes.

7. Watching a house

During the summer and school breaks, many families take the chance to vacation. While they’re gone, they need someone to stop by the house to get the mail, water the plants, and do other small tasks that need to be done every day. Teens can make some extra money and help people in their community by starting a housesitting business.

8. Errand-running

Teens who can drive could easily start a business and make money by offering to run errands for neighbors or friends. People who can’t leave their homes or have trouble getting around can benefit most from this business. Also, they don’t need special skills for this business idea, and they can set their own hours.

9. Tasks for each season

Teens can also help with seasonal chores as a seasonal job. Most people don’t have much free time, but they still want their homes to look nice and festive during the holidays. Teens can start their own businesses by doing odd jobs like putting up and taking down holiday lights and decorations, shoveling snow, raking leaves, wrapping gifts, and much more when the seasons change.

10. Selling items made by hand

Teens who are good at crafts and art can improve their skills and make money by selling what they make. This can be a local business, or they can set up their own website to sell their crafts to a wider audience. Check out our list of the best business ideas for making crafts.

11. Making cards for people

Greeting cards are one idea for hand-made items that teens can make and sell. Many people are going back to writing notes by hand. Teens can easily sell greeting cards to their friends and family by making them with unique designs or art that stands out.

12. Art teacher

It’s a skill to draw, paint, or do any other art, just like it’s a skill to solve hard math problems. Teens who are good at art and want to start a business should consider becoming art teachers. They can teach their friends or younger children in the area.

13. Musician

A musician is the best business for young adults. Only some artists write with a pen; some are good at making music. The teenage years are a great time for people who love to play or write music to get together with friends, form a band, and play locally. This is a good way for teens to start a business that should also be fun.

14. Data entry

Teens will need to know how to use spreadsheets and work with data for most jobs they will have in the future. Teens can start a business in data entry to learn these skills. Teens can set their own hours and learn new valuable skills by starting this kind of business.

15. Farmers market vendor

Farmers’ markets are usually good places to sell hand-made items close to home. They can also be an easy way for teens to start their own businesses and sell goods close to home. There are many ways to run this kind of business, whether you want to sell crafts, food, or beauty products made by hand. Remember that you may need a parent to book the booth and keep an eye on things.     

16. Candlemaker

Candles are a simple craft that people always want. This is an easy-to-learn craft that can be sold and doesn’t require a lot of money upfront. It could be a good business idea for teens. Read our guide on how to start a candle business to find out more.

17. Retail arbitrage

Retail arbitrage is an interesting and simple business idea for teens. This can be a simple business that makes a good amount of money for people who know their way around the Internet. In retail arbitrage, the goal is to find high-quality items that are cheap and then sell them in another market for a higher price. When starting a retail arbitrage business, many people buy things at garage sales and then sell them on eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

18. Web designer

This teen business idea can go a long way if you know a few things. Many small businesses need websites, but they might need more money to hire a pro. Teens can start their own web design business by offering their services at a discount. This is a great way to improve your skills and make a little extra cash.

19. Taking pictures

If you’re good at photography, this is a good way to start a small business because you can take on jobs whenever it works for you. You decide what kind of photography you want to do. For example, you can offer to take portraits for people or businesses, take product photos for local brands, take photos of events for organizers or local publications, or even take your own art photos and sell them as prints.

20. Videography

 We live in a more visual world, and while there are a lot of potential customers for a small business in photography, video is also becoming more important. There has been a big rise in the number of people using social media and websites with videos. A great small business idea for a teenager is to learn how to make videos and offer your services to anyone or any business that needs videos for their website or social media channels.

21. Helping out

If you’re a teen, you’re probably in school or just got out. You still remember what you learned in class and how tests are set up, so you’d be a great tutor in any subject you’re good at. You can tutor people one-on-one or in groups. You can focus on a general subject or help people prepare for a specific test.

22. Home delivery

Most people are getting used to getting things delivered to their homes. With Amazon Prime and grocery delivery, it’s become normal to stay at home and have things come to you. This opens up new opportunities for businesses that deliver to homes. If you have a car or bike, you can offer grocery delivery or delivery of other goods that are easy to get in your area.

23. Tidying up

Cleaning is something you either enjoy doing or hate doing. If you like to see a dirty room become spotless or a jumbled closet become perfectly organized, start a cleaning business.

24. Selling something on the Internet

If you want to start a small online business as a teen, e-commerce could be the way to go. You can dropship a product, buy something and sell it again, or make your own product. No matter what you sell, it’s important to know how to set up and run an eCommerce business.

25. Selling at pop-up shops or craft fairs

Some people like talking to customers in person more than on the phone. If so, you can start a business selling your items at craft fairs or pop-up shops in your area. Pop-up shops can sell anything, while craft fairs are better for handmade and artisanal goods. This is a way to get experience in retail without having to open your own store.

26. Shopping for yourself

A personal shopping business could get business from busy professionals, parents, and older people. Your business can be as simple as picking up the things on the list they give you, or you can offer more services if there’s a certain kind of product you know a lot about. As part of your service, you could help people in a style rut by giving them fashion advice and helping them choose clothes.

27. Music Teacher 

Becoming a music teacher is a great business idea if you know how to play an instrument and are good at teaching. You can have as many or as few students as you want, and you can even offer group lessons to make more money per hour. It’s fun to watch someone get better at something, and being a music teacher is a great way to make money while helping people learn.

28. Watching kids

Babysitting is a tried-and-true business idea for teens. It gives you freedom, can be a lot of fun, and you can get started by offering your services to families you already know in your community or family. As you get more experience, you can build up a list of references and reach out to more clients.

29. Pet sitting

Do you like dogs more than you like babies? You might be a good fit for pet sitting. Pet sitting is a dream job for people who love animals, whether you walk dogs, let pets stay with you (with the permission of others in your household, of course), or stay with the pet while its family is away.

30. Staying at home

When people leave their homes for more than a few nights, they usually need someone to take care of things around the house. As a house sitter, you can either stay in the homes you’re watching or just stop by to water plants, bring in mail, and do whatever your clients ask you to do.

31. Writing on your own time

Freelance writing is a great way for teens who are good with words to start a small online business. Most clients will want to see samples of your work, so you should look through any writing you’ve done in school or elsewhere and put together a collection of your best pieces. You can also build up your portfolio by giving a few clients free freelance writing services.

32. Make an online app or game

Anyone, even teens, can make an app or online game. Your teen could start a business if they have a great idea and the technical skills to make it happen. The finished apps and games can then be put on different app stores, which give the creator a cut of the money they make.

33. Social media content creation

Teenagers know more about technology and what’s popular online than anyone else. So, making content is the perfect job for a young person who knows how to use social media. You can make a lot of money creating content, whether you do it for other businesses or work on building your own media channels.

34. Consulting for social media

Social media consulting is another business idea for people who know much about social media. You can check out your client’s social media presence and give them feedback and a plan for what they’re doing well and what they could do better. People who want to reach out to other teens would be the best clients for this consulting business.

35. Blogging or vlogging

If there’s a topic you’re interested in, you could start a blog or YouTube channel about it. This could lead to deals that are worth a lot of money. Also, you can work from home. Getting a following usually takes a while, but you can use that following to make sponsored blog or vlog content in the future.

36. Gardening

So many businesses these days require a lot of time in front of a computer. If you like being outside and have a green thumb, you can avoid this by starting a landscaping business. This is a good small business idea for teens because it’s easy to do on the weekends, and as you learn more, you can slowly expand your services. You could start by cutting lawns and then learn more about landscaping so you can also work in gardens.

37. Using podcasts

Podcasts are the most exciting new form of media right now, and you can find niche podcasts on almost any topic you can think of. If your podcast has a following, you can make money by selling subscriptions to paywalled episodes on sites like Patreon and Substack.

38. Designer of pictures

Businesses need strong visuals to stand out from the crowd, so graphic designers are always in demand. This can be a very profitable business idea for a teenager who knows how to use programs like Illustrator and Photoshop.

39. Packaging designer

Focus on packaging design to get even more specific with your graphic design skills. To do this, you need to know a little bit about different packaging materials and printing methods, but this will set you apart from other designers.

40. Someone who makes cards and stationery

This is a simple idea for a small business for teens who like to draw. You can make designs and have them printed in small amounts, which you can then sell in your online store, gift shops, and other places.

41. A newsletter sent to subscribers

Newsletters seemed to be a thing of the past until a few years ago, but now they’re back in a big way. With a platform like Substack, you can create a reliable, semi-passive income stream by writing about something that interests you and getting people to sign up for your newsletter. You’ll need to be able to build an audience for it, but you’d be surprised at how many people are willing to pay a few dollars a month for relevant written content.

42. Custom cake baker

Social media has raised the bar for custom cakes, with cake lovers’ feeds filled with amazing works of art. This also made more people want cakes in fun shapes and designs. You can meet this need by making birthday and other special occasion cakes to order.

43.  Transcription

Transcribing interviews for a local newspaper or another business is another business idea with flexible hours. Your teen can work on their typing skills and make money at the same time by providing a service.

44. Setting up and helping with tech

Teenagers usually know more about technology than adults, especially older adults. You can save people the trouble of figuring out their new tech by offering to set it up, train them, or come in for tech support. Getting started is easy if you offer this service to seniors.

45. Makes clothes

If you know how to use a sewing machine, you can make your own clothes and sell them. You can also have someone else make your products, but that might be too expensive for a teenager just starting out with their first business.

46. Web designer

The days when a business could get by without a website or with a very simple one are over. Most businesses today need a site that looks good and was made by a professional. You don’t have to know a lot of code to get the job done since there are great web suite builders you can use.

47. Print what you need

This is a great way for teens who want to work from home to start a small business since you don’t have to go outside to mail packages. When you sell a print-on-demand product, the provider will print your design and ship the product to your customer.

48. An artist who draws or paints

Teens can make a lot of money by drawing or painting, from making caricatures at parties to making custom holiday portraits.

49. Make a gift basket

People often buy custom gift baskets for special occasions. Around the holidays, businesses may buy tens or hundreds of them to give to their employees or their most important customers.

50. Party decorator

With decorations, party decorators help their clients’ ideas come to life. You can buy a few things to start decorating. Instead, you can go over the client’s brief, find the items, and then buy them with the budget from the client if approved.

51. Recorder

Typing what you hear in audio or video files is what it means to transcribe. It can be a good business for people who can type quickly and pay more attention to detail than most. Usually, you’ll be paid for the project, so if you can work quickly, you’ll be able to make more money.

52. Jewelry designer

You can learn the basics of jewelry making on YouTube, and you can get basic jewelry-making tools on Amazon or at craft supply stores for not too much money. You can do anything you want with the design.

53. DJing

A good small business idea for teens is to DJ at school events, private parties, stores, or other public events. If you like it, you can grow it later if you want to. This would be a good job for someone who knows a lot about music and loves to get people excited.

54. Wrap a gift

Gift wrapping is a great business if you want to make money only during certain times of the year. If you can use ribbons and other accessories to make your wrapping jobs stand out, you’ll get more repeat and referral business.

55. Window washing

Businesses in your area might need a regular window cleaner, so ask them if they can use your help. If you can get a lot of clients in one area, you can go to all of them in one day to make the most money from your window cleaning business.

56. Graphic designer

A teen who knows much about technology and is also good at art could start a graphic design business. This could be as easy as making a few cool designs and putting them on T-shirts for friends, or it could involve doing freelance work for local businesses marketing efforts.

57. A gamer who broadcasts live

Teens who love video games can’t dream of anything better than getting paid to play video games. This is exactly what gamers who stream live do. Twitch is one of the most popular places to start this business. TV.

58. A photographer or filmmaker

Teens can start a business as a photographer or videographer with a small investment in equipment or some skill with a smartphone. This type of business has a lot of different niches, so teens can focus on pet photography, events, family portraits, or making social media content for local businesses.


We have discussed 50 + business ideas for young adults that will help you to choose the best business ideas for young adults. Please share other business ideas for young adults in the comments section.

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