Top 10+ Highest Paying Programming Languages In 2023

Are you searching for the highest paying programming languages? If so, this article will greatly assist you in locating your desired search. 

Programming language is a technical term. So if this term is new for you, do not worry, we will with the meaning of programing language in brief, and then we will discuss other topics.

As we know, to talk to a person, we need a certain language. Likewise, programmers need a language to talk to computers. This language is called programming language.

Before we learn the highest paying programming languages, let’s figure out what programming language is.

What exactly is language?

Language is a way for people to share their thoughts and ideas with each other. For example, if we want to teach someone something, we need to use a language that both people can understand.

What is a programing language?

A programming language is a type of computer language that developers use to talk to computers. It is a list of steps written in a certain language (C, C++, Java, or Python) to do a certain task.

Programmers and developers make some of the most money in the world. In places like the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Israel, Australia, Denmark, Japan, India, and China, they make six-figure salaries every year. Even though the job is very promising and pays well, some programming languages pay more than others.

Today’s post is all about the highest paying programming languages that pay well and can help you move up in your IT career. So, keep an eye on this blog if you want to learn more about the highest paying programming languages on the market right now.

Highest Paying Programming Languages 

Here is the list of the 13 Highest Paying Programming Languages:  

NoHighest Paying Programming LanguagesAnnual Salary 

Highest Paying Programming Languages: Explanation 

1. Perl

  • Designed by: Larry Wall
  • Discovered year: 1987
  • Annual Salary:$90,073
  • Perl is a group of interpreted, dynamic, high-level, general-purpose programming languages.
  • It is called the Swiss Army Knife of programming languages because it is powerful and reliable.
  • “Perl” is a group of programming languages that are similar to each other. Perl 6, which is also known as “Raku,” is the newest member of the Perl family. It came out in 2019.
  • But don’t get it wrong: Perl 6 (Raku) is a separate programming language with its own team of developers.

2. Go

  • Designed by: Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson
  • Discovered year: 2009
  • Annual Salary:$89,204
  • It is easy to understand and use, and it gets things done quickly.
  • Go is based a lot on C, but it has major improvements in memory safety, garbage collection, and structural typing.

3. Scala

  • Designed by: Martin Odersky
  • Discovered year: 2004
  • Annual salary: $92,780
  • Scala is a general-purpose programming language that was made to work well with functional programming and a strong static type system.
  • Scala is an abbreviation for “scalable language,” which means that it was made to grow and change as the number of people who use it (and their needs) change.
  • Scala is a new addition to our list that stands out because it was made to be short. In fact, many of Scala’s features were made to fix problems that people often had with Java.
  • Scala, unlike Java, has many features of functional programming languages like Scheme, Standard ML, and Haskell, such as currying, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching.

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4. Python

  • Designed by: Guido van Rossum
  • Discovered year: 1991
  • Annual Salary: $79,395 
  • Python is a high-level language that doesn’t use types. 
  • Django framework can be used to write everything from scripts and tools to whole web applications. It’s also used a lot in the field of data science.

5. Java

  • Designed by: James Gosling
  • Discovered year:1995 
  • Annual salary: $85,086
  • It is a general-purpose, object-oriented language with classes that are used to make software, mobile apps, web apps, games, and web servers/application servers.
  • It is now also used to make ecosystems for Big Data. Several big businesses and IT companies keep track of a huge amount of Java code using JVM as the main computing environment.
  • Java is one of the main tools used to make native apps for the Android platform today.

6. Swift

  • Designed by: Chris Lattner, Doug Gregor, John McCall, Ted Kremenek, Joe Groff, Apple
  • Discovered year: 1973 
  • Annual Salary:  $97,271
  • Apple made Swift, a modern language that can be used for many different things. 
  • It can be used for many things, but the most common and popular way is to make apps for iOS and Mac.

7. Ruby

  • Designed by: Yukihiro Matsumoto
  • Discovered year: 2007
  • Annual salary: $93,000
  • Ruby has been a popular language for a long time, and it still rocks. There is a fair amount of demand, and most of it pays well. 
  • Ruby is mostly used for building websites with the well-known Ruby on Rails framework.
  • It can also be used for things like scripting, prototyping, and making games. Given its many uses, it’s never a bad idea to learn it. 
  • It’s also a high-level language that makes it easy to make new apps quickly.

8. C#

  • Designed by: Dennis Ritchie
  • Discovered year: 2002 
  • Annual Salary: $81,999
  • C# (C-Sharp) is a programming language made by Microsoft that runs on the.NET Framework.
  • With C#, you can make web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games, and a lot more.

9. Lisp

  • Designed by: John McCarthy
  • Discovered year:1960
  • Annual salary:$95,000
  • Lisp has changed and grown over time, giving rise to many dialects like Racket, Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure, which we’ve already talked about.

10. Erlang

  • Designed by: Joe Armstrong Robert Virding Mike Williams
  • Discovered year:1986
  • Annual salary: $103,000
  • Erlang gives us a simple and powerful way to control errors and deal with problems (supervised processes).
  • Many common problems in networking and telecommunications systems are helped by the OTP libraries.
  • With the Erlang runtime environment, code that was written on one architecture can be run on any other architecture.
  • The runtime system also makes it possible to change code in a system that is already running without stopping the program.

11. Clojure

  • Designed by: Rich Hickey
  • Discovered year: 2007
  • Annual Salary: $106,644
  • Clojure is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language that combines the ease of use and interactive development of scripting languages with a fast and reliable infrastructure.
  • Clojure is mainly a functional programming language that has many data structures that don’t change and stay the same.
  • Clojure is often used to deal with a lot of data. Clojure developers can be used by companies for AI and data mining.

Wrap up 

Now that you know which programming languages are in demand and pay the most, you can add at least one (or better yet, more) of these high-paying programming languages to your skill set.

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